What is normal delivery process?
A vaginal delivery is when a person gives birth through their vagina. It’s the most common method of childbirth. During a vaginal birth, your uterus contracts to thin and open your cervix and push your baby out through your vagina (or birth canal)
What are the 3 types of delivery?
Vaginal delivery, C-section, VBAC and assisted vaginal delivery are examples of types of delivery.
• Vaginal delivery.
• Assisted vaginal delivery (vacuum or forceps).
• C-section (Cesarean birth).
• VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)

Is it 9 months of pregnancy or 10?
Pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last menstrual period. This means an extra 2 weeks are counted at the beginning of your pregnancy when you aren’t actually pregnant. So pregnancy lasts 10 months (40 weeks)—not 9 months—because of these extra weeks.
Which week is best for normal delivery?
If there are problems with your pregnancy or your baby’s health, you may need to have your baby early. But if you have a choice and you’re planning to schedule your baby’s birth, wait until at least 39 weeks.
Is normal delivery painful?
Yes, childbirth is painful. But it’s manageable. In fact, nearly half of first-time moms (46 percent) said the pain they experienced with their first child was better than they expected.

Women who have a lower pain threshold, or those who get pregnant after their thirties, often request C-sections since they may be unable to go through labor pain. Epidural anesthesia provides these women a shot at normal delivery by reducing the pain significantly.


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